Functional Training for Speed and Agility

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Mark Wine CSCS ; NASM PT, CES, PES

Functional Training for Speed and Agility – Health – Fitness

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Speed is one of the most highly sought after goals of an athletic performance training regimen. However, speed is one of the hardest traits to acquire, unless it comes natural. Before undergoing speed and agility training it is important to have an understanding of certain characteristics that go hand in hand with speed and agility. Training and activating the stretch shortening cycle is the hidden gym when training for Speed & Agility performance.

The stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is highly active when utilizing plyometric exercises. “Plyometric exercise is a quick powerful movement using a prestretch, or countermovement, that involves the SSC. The purpose of plyometrics are to increase power of subsequent movements by using both the natural elastic components of muscle and tendon and the stretch reflex” [2 – pg.414]. The SSC utilizes tendons and ligaments in a spring like action, therefore limiting the amount of ground reaction force (GRF). The GRF is the amount of time your limbs stay on the ground during sprints and/or running. Faster athletes have more power in their lower body musculature and therefore have less GRF during sprints.

How do you train the SSC? Training for the SSC requires specific plyometric training (i.e. box jumps, hurdles, jumping, etc…). However, not all plyometrics training are created equal. Utilize mini hurdles or a plyometric that utilizes bouncing (springing) as a technique to the exercise are more efficient. For example, try this workout combination:1. Perform Back Squats for 3 sets of 8 repetitions with a moderate to heavy load (weight)

– Superset (perform right after) the back squats with a bouncing (SSC) plyometric, such as 2-1 jumps, mini hurdle jump over, or repetitive box jumps utilizing limited GRF.

Performing back squats will breakdown leg musculature, which will result in strength and power gains. Leg musculature will in turn be capable of generating more power for greater speed and agility. Following this complex exercise with a SSC plyometric will further generate power adaptations. Due to the nature of the countermovement plyometric, if performed properly, you will activate tendons and ligaments as springs and not exhaust leg musculature like a full squat jump. The combination of strength and power lifting with a SSC plyometric will create an environment similar to that of real time competition requiring repeated bouts of high reaction forces that are similar to sprinting and sports.

Bilateral (two leg) hurdle jumps, or bilateral repetitive box jumps, are shown to utilize higher forces than other traditional jumping exercises (including regular box jumps). Sprinting and Agility require high forces when contacting the ground, SSC plyometrics require comparable forces. Therefore, it is theorized that creating a training environment with similar forces is highly sought after. “Bilateral jumps over hurdles are an excellent exercise to stimulate contact time and reaction forces because the values are similar or even superior than traditional resistance exercises such as squats, hang cleans, and loaded jumps” [3].

Bilateral jumps activating the SSC are preferable due to the shorter contact time and higher forces of the jump. However, do not neglect to utilize unilateral or alternating jumps. Running requires alternating unilateral jumps, utilizing the SSC, over and over again. Therefore, the athlete with the greatest amount of power and ability to spring from step to step will be faster, quicker, and more agile. When incorporating unilateral and/or alternating unilateral jumps into a plyometric regimen, it might be advantageous to seek plyometrics that allow less contact time. Examples include mini hurdles, mini cones and repetitive low box jumps.

It is important to note that bilateral jumps do not perfectly replicate real time competition contact times; neither do unilateral jumps. However, utilizing both bilateral and alternating unilateral repetitive jumps, which activate the SSC, creates an environment similar to that of sprinting / competition in terms of ground contact time and rate of force development (RFD).

Listed are some of the most effective plyometric exercises that activate the SSC:

– Repetitive Box Jumps (bilateral and unilateral) – spring up and down keeping a dorsi flexed position in your feet and a slight knee bend; the less time you spend on the ground the

– 2-1 Box Jumps – just like repetitive box jumps, keep your feet in a dorsi flexed position and a slight knee bend to allow for greater spring (less contact time)

– Mini Hurdle Jump Over – utilize both unilateral and bilateral; when performing unilateral, it might be advantageous to use the smallest hurdle, maybe even short cones.

– Unilateral Side-to-Side Short Box Jump Over – this plyometric is highly advanced, therefore, novice athletes who have not been engaged in athletic performance training should start with bilateral jumps. Once they have shown the ability to perform bilateral repetitive box jumps then they can perform bilateral side-to-side short box jump over.

(Check out “exercise of the week” to see these exercises in action, plus more)

Sources1. Training Specificity of Hurdle vs. Countermovement Jump Trainingby, Dario F. Cappa and David G. BehmJournal of Strength and Conditioning Research©2011 National Strength and Conditioning AssociationVolume 25, Number 10, October 20112. The Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning (3rd edition).By, National Strength and Conditioning AssociationEditors: Thomas R. Baechle and Roger W. Earle©2008, 2000, 19943. Optimal loading for maximal power output during lower-body resistance exercisesCormie, P, McCaulley, GO, Triplett, NT, and Mcbride, JM.Medical Science Sports Exercise 39: 340-349, 2007

About the Author

Strength Coach Mark Wine is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the best trainers in the country for his work with NFL Players, high school and middle school athletes, as well as Olympic hopefuls. With his new athletic performance training center Functional Muscle Fitness he hopes to redefine sports performance / gym training.

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Functional Muscle Fitness LLC1091 Shary CircleConcord, Ca 94518(925) 689-3631 ‎

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Strength Coach Mark Wine is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the best trainers in the country for his work with NFL Players, high school and middle school athletes, as well as Olympic hopefuls. With his new athletic performance training center Functional Muscle Fitness he hopes to redefine sports performance / gym training.

For custom workouts, exercise videos and more check out

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Functional Muscle Fitness LLC1091 Shary CircleConcord, Ca 94518(925) 689-3631 ‎

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Top Ten Physical exercises For Football Strength and Speed

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by JERRI CRANE

Top Ten Physical exercises For Football Strength and Speed – Sports

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Way too many football players and strength coaches develop favorite lifts (usually one’s they’re proficient at) and stick to them no matter what. I’ve run into guys I trained having a decade ago and they are still doing the same workouts! I don’t mean exactly the same philosophy, I am talking about the particular same football workout! Same exercises, sets, reps and sometimes, sadly, weights.In the end have to rotate exercises constantly to prevent accommodation, we can’t just add any-old exercise and hope for the best. Plus, often, the exercises we hate the most are the type that us the most good. Many guys hate movements like lunges, but, if you want to get faster for football, you need to do them.Listed here are the top 11 Exercises for to Get Faster and Stronger for Football. Add these phones your rotation and work ’em hard.1. Deadlifts – Deadlifts are the King Maker…they might be more accountable for building football speed and strength than any other exercise.Deadlifts are ultra-important for many reasons:o They build tremendous starting strength. Many football players are woefully without a chance to get explosive and apply strength quickly.o Deads strengthen the Posterior Chain; building strength and power in the hamstrings, glutes, calfs, and the entire back (the muscles responsible for getting you faster for football).o Deadlifts, like Squats, build insane strength within the hips; the seat of power for football.o They build slabs of muscle. Nothing will make you grow out of your calfs for your traps like heavy Deadlifts.o The Deadlift can be very helpful for injury prevention. Some think that the moderate to high hamstring activity elicited during the deadlift may help to protect the Anterior Cruciate Ligament during rehab.Deads may be used as Max Effort, Dynamic Effort or moderate rep exercise. The classic 5 x 5 protocol applied to the DL can put more muscle in your frame than other exercises combined.2. Box Squats – Box Squats and Box Front Squats are essential for building tremendous leg strength and explosiveness while taking just about all stress from the knees. They are the cornerstones (along with deadlifts) associated with a football strength training program that can create a player stronger and faster for football.Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell Club, who’s club has done more to popularize Box Squats than anyone else in the usa describes the benefits of Box Squatting in a single of his articles:Many trainers have found that a lot of flexibility can be developed while box squatting: by going less than normally possible, by utilizing a wider stance.

You are able to isolate all the correct squatting muscles to take a seat extremely far back on the box. To take a seat back on the box to the extent that the shins are positioned past vertical, the glutes, hips, hamstrings, spinal erectors, and abs are totally pre-stretched and overloaded simultaneously, creating a tremendous stretch reflex.Box Squats eliminate many of the problems encountered when you are performing traditional squats. Gone are the knee problems associated with the knees traveling way past the toes. You’re also limiting the stretch reflex, so Box Squatting becomes much like a Deadlift in it’s ability to build explosive strength.Box Squats also teach an athlete to stay tight and explode up while using hips, hams, and glutes. This really is required for any sport that needs running or jumping…which is pretty much them all! They’re key for building football speed and strength.Some other huge benefits of Box Squatting include:o Less soreness than traditional squats, letting you recover faster and train more regularlyo No guessing on depth. Set this area to in which you wish to go and simply relax on it. o Box Squats can increase real-world flexibility. If you widen setup, push the knees out, and descend in check, you will develop excellent mobility and adaptability within the legs and hips.o Build tons of strength in the glutes and hips – important to blocking and tackling.Use Box Squats for either Max Effort or Dynamic Effort training.If you go heavy, either work up to a max set of 1 – 4, or do multiple sets of low repsIf using the Box Squat as a speed exercise, it is best to use bands or chains and go for 12 teams of 2 reps with 60seconds rest.This will be explained in the workouts section in which you might find a full time income, breathing example of sets and reps for that Box Squat (and all other exercises).3. Clean & Jerk – A few years back Olympic Lift-only training programs were all the rage. Then, they fell out of favor and on came the anti-Olympic lifting brigade. As always, and over-reaction short term and an under-reaction long term.The truth is that the O-lifts continue to be useful for football players and, should be included in your football strength workouts. The undisputed king of the O-lifts for athletics is the Neat and Jerk. It is a lift that builds toughness, identifies weaknesses, and requires strength, power and determination. All the traits a sports athlete needs!The C&J is similar to the Deadlift in it’s capability to point out weaknesses. Lifting huge bar in the ground to overhead requires strength in the entire posterior chain, plus the abs, shoulders and triceps. If anyone of these areas are weak, you will miss the lift.Some appear at first sight hard to teach however i can get a sports athlete doing cleans in a single session. Remember, the C&J (and just about any other exercise) doesn’t have to be done with a barbell alone. Using sandbags, barrels, dumbbells, kettlebells, a Stone Trainer, a thick bar or perhaps a Log is an excellent way to build real-world athletic strength and get around the technique issue. This sort of lifting may be used to build brute strength and also excellent conditioning and mental toughness.Grabbing a pair of DB’s and doing high rep or timed teams of the C&J is an excellent conditioning tool. I acquired this idea from a classic Louie Simmions article and it’s helped me and many of my athletes get in top condition, even when the weather prevents us from going outside. Plus, it helps build focus and mental toughness.If you are using the C&J for strength, stay with singles and doubles. If you would like conditioning, opt for higher reps or time your sets.4. Box Front Squats – Just like the O-lifts, people went crazy with the training of the posterior chain. Yes, it’s supremely important, however, many athletes and coaches went overboard, completely disregarding the leading from the body.An athlete needs strong quads for sprinting, jumping, and driving another human from their way. Many feared training the quads at all would result in them overpowering the hamstrings. This can happen when the hams are under-trained, but we can not permit the quads being weak either. Any imbalance, either way, will lead to decreased performance and possible knee injuries.I always loved Front Squats and believe they might be better than Back Squats for many football players, especially lineman. Getting the load held on the front from the body will build tremendous strength in the core, and also the entire motion is very similar to the motion of blocking.But, most guys I’ve seen can’t Front Squat to save their life. They’ve got more bad habits than Artie Lange. They push the knees way within the toes, don’t relax, and fall forward.Enter the Box Front Squat. Using boxes at different heights, and a soft box, allows the athlete to sit down back, stay fairly upright and drive through the floor, instead of just squatting down and up. It does place some of the stress on the glutes and hams, but leaves lots of work for the quads too.It is especially helpful to do your Box FS with bands or chains. This helps build amazing driving ability and also the power to simply run through people. Football isn’t the only contact sport…in soccer, basketball and hockey, what you can do to find the enemy out of your way on the way to the thing is essential.Keep reps low when Front Squatting. Use multiple teams of 1 – 4 reps, or use it as your Max Effort movement and work up to a heavy single.5. RDL – Romanian Deadlifts are an excellent assistance exercise for Deadlifts and Squats. They build muscle and power within the hamstrings and glutes and also hit the lower back quite well.The RDL is great for athletes because it is performed within the stance very similar to the “ready position” used is really many sports (hips down, knees bent, flat back…think a Linebacker or even the position of the body pre-jump). The romanian Deadlift is such an excellent to help you get faster for football it ought to be contained in the most of your football workouts.For a lot of athletes, the RDL is a far superior exercise towards the Straight Leg Deadlift. For anyone with a long torso, the SLDL can become a lower-back exercise and damn-near ignore the hamstrings. But, due to the hip position (traveling backwards) and also the intense pre-stretch from the hamstrings, the RDL is much better at working the PC.RDL’s can be done as your Max Effort movement, particularly if you do them within the Rack.RDL’s in the rack.But, their main strength is based on with them as an assistance exercise for Squats and Deads. If using them being an assistance, choose 3 – 5 teams of 3 – 8 reps.6. Rows – Too many football players and lifters focus a significant amount of on the pressing exercises and neglect the muscles from the back. This will result in injuries like rotator cuff tears, pec tears, and shoulder impingements. Worst than that it’ll also result in a crappy bench press.There’s in regards to a billion row variations, so pick 2 or three and set them in your training program. You can go heavy or reps, or both. If you’ve been neglecting your back, you should start off by doing twice as much back work as chest/pressing work!7. Side Lunges – The majority of us function not do enough training on lateral movements, which I find odd because so much of sports is played while moving from side-to-side. There are several explanations why most athletes avoid movements like Side Lunges:o Ego: Less weight (a smaller amount!) will have to be used, especially at first. o Pain: Side Lunges, despite light weight, have the potential to depart you with damn-near injury-like soreness, especially if you aren’t accustomed to doing them o Ego, again: You’ll never be able to slap on endless 45’s on this exercise, so most people will just steer clear of the hit for their pride.Lateral movements are answer to building football game speed.8. Dumbbell Incline – I’m hated for saying this, however i believe the Dumbbell Incline is really a far better movement for athletes than the Bench. Obviously, the bench press is a great exercise, but when you are looking at athletes, not Powerlifters, the Incline rules.The DB Incline a lot more closely mimics the road taken by the arms in many athletic movements such as blocking, punching, and in many wrestling moves.The incline can also be much better at developing the all-important shoulder girdle. It’s a nice compromise between the Overhead Press and also the Bench, allowing an athlete to hammer shoulders, pecs and triceps. Adding the Dumbbell Incline for your football strength program is an excellent idea, especially for lineman and Linebackers.For all those with shoulder problems, Incline can be a life-saver. After i had rotator cuff problems, benching even super light weights felt like I was being stabbed right in front delts! But, I had been able to keep doing Inclines as heavy as I could handle. When I fixed my shoulder problems, I returned to the bench and lost very little progress.The DB Incline can also be incredibly versatile; you can use it for Timed Sets, High reps, moderate reps, or you will go super heavy and treat it like a Sub-Max movement. If you’d really like a challenge, try doing a 1-Arm DB Incline, now that’s real “core” training!9. Sandbags – Lifting and carrying sandbags are fantastic ways to “bridge” the gap between your weightroom and also the playing field. Sandbags are excellent strength and conditioning tools for wrestlers, football players, and fighters. They’ll also assist with almost any other sport that requires strength, speed, and stamina.Sandbags shift and fight you every inch of the way. They never relent. Picking up and carrying or shouldering a sandbag feels a lot like wrestling a live opponent. While everything in the weightroom helps build max strength and speed, using sandbags will be a great compliment to your heavy training.There’s a lot of great resources on sandbag training, but I recommend you check out Josh Henkin’s sandbag training course.10. Prowler – The Prowler owns all when it comes to conditioning for football. It may be pushed and pulled for time, distance or speed. It can be loaded heavy or light. See where I am going with this particular?The Prowler is also great because you can use it laterally, which as I said earlier, most athletes neglect. So much of sports is played moving laterally, yet training that way is ignored.Make use of the Prowler as a finisher or on a non-lifting day as a way to condition. Because of the insufficient eccentric movement, the Prowler won’t cause much soreness, the industry huge advantage for athletes. One of the greatest issues when designing an exercise program for an athlete is how you can give strength, speed and conditioning their proper due without compromising any of the elements.Using the Prowler is simple, go light for time for recovery and GPP work. Go a little heavier for sprints and go heavy for strength work.

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Strength Training For Weight Loss Is Possible!

September 20, 2012 by  
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Article by Lynn VanDyke

Strength Training For Weight Loss Is Possible! – Health – Fitness

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Strength training for weight loss is not a tricky issue. Sure, it’s taken us women a few more years to wander over to the free weight section, but that’s because we tend to associate strength training with weight gain.

Yikes! Muscle bound men lifting extremely heavy weights and grunting. Not very inviting when you are looking to lose fat, drop weight and tone up.

So is it possible for us to strength train, gain muscle, and lose weight? It sure is. And here’s a tip…if you can count to 12, you can do it!

This article focuses on strength training for weight loss. It is designed to give you guidance so that you can develop your own strength training for weight loss routine.

Getting back to our strength training for weight loss article… you’re here because you are tired of all the mis-information being spouted by Joe Schmo and Suzie Smack. I’m glad you’ve found me and I’ll tell you why- strength training is the best way to lose weight and keep it off!

Let’s take a look at how the strength training for weight loss process works over and over again in thousands of women like us.

I started training with a client named Joan. She was your average, typical American woman. She worked full-time and had two kids in grade school. Joan’s schedule was packed with baseball practice and dance classes…for her kids…not her.

She rarely had time to work out, and honestly if she had some free time she certainly didn’t want to spend it sweating and losing her breath.

Over the years Joan gained 45 pounds. She used to workout at home a few years ago and even bought a treadmill with every intention of using it. And she did, once or twice. Now it takes up space and gathers dust.

I asked Joan if she would be willing to do the following:

– a strength training for weight loss program

– set realistic and tangible goals

– and count to 12 a few times a week.

She looked at me with an arched brow and said, “Sure.” So begins a strength training for weight loss success story. Strength training for weight loss is simple and effective.

We began by measuring her fitness levels.

It was essential for us to see exactly where Joan was starting from because in a few short weeks, she was going to notice big time changes.

I wanted her to see first hand how successful she was about to become by strength training for weight loss.

Armed with her fitness levels, Joan set her realistic and tangible goal to lose 10-15 pounds by summer. That meant we had two months to drop 10-15 pounds in a safe way.

No problem. We developed the correct strength training routine for her, and she was off!

–Joan’s Strength Training For Weight Loss Plan–

Joan worked with weights 2 days a week and cardio 3-4 days a week. She was instructed to keep a log of her workouts and to check-in.

Joan worked her muscles the proper way for weight loss. She worked her entire body for the next two months.

Each set was 12 repetitions long. Her total workout time was less than 60 minutes 4-5 times a week. Her cardio was a mix of interval training and incline walking on her existing treadmill.

In addition to her treadmill, Joan worked out using only free weights and a stability ball. She did some running outside too. All in all, Joan spent less than $ 200 to get her new body and new outlook on life.

She reached her goals by summer. Simple. And you can do a strength training for weight lost routine too!

–Recap And Roll!–

Strength training for weight loss adds a nice layer of pure muscle. Lean, toned muscle. This lean muscle devours calories. Even at rest!

The more muscle we have, the more calories our body uses. The more calories our body uses, the more weight we lose. Easy!


+ Measure Your Fitness Levels

+ Work each muscle group several times/week

+ Do sets of 12 repetitions or pick another method that suits you better.

+ Set realistic, tangible goals

+ Log Every Workout!

+ Stick with it, even when you don’t want to. Make a promise to yourself that you will begin to workout. If after 5 minutes of working out you still want to quit, then by all means take a rest. I can almost guarantee you that you will continue on!

About the Author

Lynn VanDyke is a master trainer and nutritionist focusing on straight-forward fat loss workouts. Her wildly popular ebook, Melt the Fat is available for immediate download. Bonuses are being offered for a limited time only. Learn more about Melt the Fat at

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Lynn VanDyke is a master trainer and nutritionist focusing on straight-forward fat loss workouts. Her wildly popular ebook, Melt the Fat is available for immediate download. Bonuses are being offered for a limited time only. Learn more about Melt the Fat at

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Strength Training Workout: Simple Routines For A Better Body

September 17, 2012 by  
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Article by Wailes Dattilio

Strength Training Workout: Simple Routines For A Better Body – Health

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Lifting weights workouts generally obtain related to bodybuilders, athletes, as well as other much talked about people today. Whenever the fact is lifting weights is usually a beneficial workout for all. This physical exercises are usually not designed to be the least complicated to operate, nevertheless they are proven to be that is useful.

Exactly why strength-training exercises are generally a lot more powerful compared to additional routines is definitely that you are essentially driving one’s body for you to put in extra power and complete a lot more perform in comparison with it really is normally work with so that you can. This kind of coaching not merely enables somebody to build more muscular mass and appear greater, however it enables those to drop hundreds of extra few pounds likely and so desperately hunting to get rid of. A majority of these exercise sessions incinerate calories with a more achieable rate as compared with other people who simply apply high energy coaching (such as) as their own primary training technique.

Lifting weights physical exercises are usually not less difficult as compared to various other exercise routines; in reality, they may be much harder. Even so, by using added issues appear better gains in addition to upgrades. If you are planning to shed pounds and get around greater contour you then desire to look at a good strength-training work out. If perhaps prepared around an ideal way, strength-training exercises have been observed of showing superior results in comparison with fitness centers plus health night clubs. You can start with a slow-moving stride with a training regarding a couple days to weeks each week as well as slowly but surely build up physique energy to allow for your 5-day muscle training time. To get superior effects, observe a complete human body exercise routine session, three times each week. Including just about all amount of resistance workout routines, this place too need to be gradually integrated into ones workout program to get continual in addition to personal injury free of charge fat loss. Many of the most essential physical exercises that cover your strength-training work out involve backside routines, shoulder exercises, chest muscles workouts, and also knee workout routines. Most of these main exercises will continue to work your complete system, release far more androgenic hormone or testosterone, along with allow you to not merely receive healthier although slim down too.

Women and men respond really otherwise so that you can a majority of these exercises. Males could possibly get bigger muscle tissue as well as women will miss the excess weight and acquire the toner body. For the people ladies who are frightened that they may obtain cumbersome; do not be anxious the body will not likely raise large muscle mass or even glance unnatural throughout anyhow. Actually, women can reap the benefits of your thinner in addition to slimmer physique and should have the physique they’ve already generally sought-after. Strength and strength exercising tend to be vital components of an efficient entire gents exercise program and still provide many different positive aspects. Creating muscle mass power elevates your overall fitness level, lowering unwanted fat, boosting your metabolic rate plus enhancing your chance to execute many chores. This kind of sequel by all of our sequence in Weight training Workouts are going to be focused on the importance of needing a great coaching routine.

Weight training physical exercises may be used to be able to assorted health amounts and is also suitable for starters or a pro. Any well-formulated exercise program must if possible consist of bodyweight exercises just like pull-ups, dips, push-ups, plus squats in addition to dumbbell physical exercises, challenge band instruction, stability soccer ball work outs plus human body watering hole weight training regarding greatest outcomes. Blend diverse routines to help overall tone in place any kind of or perhaps each part of the human body including abs, biceps, returning, breasts, forearms, muscles as well as triceps.

About the Author

Will you be trying to find a lot more on benefits of strength training? Pay a visit to Wm V. Stephenson’s blogging site now for much more information and facts on strength training and conditioning instantly.

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Wailes Dattilio

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Will you be trying to find a lot more on benefits of strength training? Pay a visit to Wm V. Stephenson’s blogging site now for much more information and facts on strength training and conditioning instantly.

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Core Strength Exercises for the Serious Athletic Woman

September 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Rod White

Core Strength Exercises for the Serious Athletic Woman – Health – Fitness

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Decreasing in numbers are the part-time powder-puff gym girls. Women are increasingly moving from light cardio workouts and easy resistance training in the gym to high-intensity circuit training. More serious female fitness buffs are even jumping into power exercises and tackling jerks, snatches, squats and presses. Women may be participating in more extreme weight training due to a competitive factor through sports, or because they are taking on more challenging careers such as the military, firefighters, police force, etc.

However, due to the structural differences in a female’s anatomy, the need to focus on building core strength is even more vital than their male counterparts. In order to maintain proper frame support, good posture and protection from injury, a serious female athlete needs a strong core for executing such demanding strength training exercises.Strength Training Exercises and the Core

Core muscles are those that stabilize the trunk of your body while you are making other movements. Therefore, core muscles consist of the abdominals and back muscles. Many people focus exclusively on ab workouts when core training.

However, a good abdominal workout can be achieved through strength training exercises, thus providing you with both benefits at the same time. The reason for this is that most power exercises utilize core stabilizing muscles which are, therefore, worked as well during strength training.

Here are some of the best strength training exercises for athletic women to use to achieve a strong core:Ab Exercises

Although core strength can be better achieved through other strength building workouts, some specific ab exercises are beneficial for sculpting your abdominals into a nice six-pack. Since most women desire a sexy, washboard stomach, included are a couple of good ab-specific exercises for this purpose.

Crunches – One of the staple ab exercises, crunches are good for ripping the abdominals. While laying on your back, cross your arms over your chest and bring your knees up as you raise your upper body. Touch your knees to your elbows, release and repeat.

Planks – Planks are a go-to total core strengthening exercise as there are several positions, each working a different part of your abs or back. The classic plank is completed by starting in a pushup position only you rest on your forearms and toes. Push yourself up onto your forearms with you back straight and parallel to the floor and hold for at least 30 seconds. You should eventually achieve maintaining a plank position for 2 or more minutes. You can strengthen oblique muscles by doing a side plank or one-handed plank and develop back muscles via the straight-armed plank.Pushups

Pushups should always be included in a core strength exercises. Not only are they good for building your core strength, but they will increase your upper body strength as well.

With your back straight, contract your abs as you raise yourself up until the arms are fully extended. Lower yourself back down until your chest is almost touching the floor and repeat.Overhead Press

Pressing weight overhead requires a great deal of support from your lower back as well as your abs which work to stabilize your core during the movement. If you perform overhead presses correctly with your back slightly arched and contracting your stomach as you lift, you will build a good core foundation through this strength exercise.

You should begin with a barbell weight you are comfortable with before increasing to heavier amounts.Squats

Squats are another strength training exercise that benefits the core muscles as well as your lower body. When performing squats, keep the back slightly arched and focus on contracting your abdominals. Doing so will strengthen both sets of core muscles and add stability to your trunk.

If you’re just beginning, complete squats without weights by wrapping your hands around the back of the head and squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. You can then move to squatting with dumbbells and then onto barbells.

About the Author

Rod White is a writer of , an Everything Guide to Health, Fitness, Training, Muscle Building, Nutrition, Sports, Lifestyle and more!

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Rod White

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Rod White is a writer of , an Everything Guide to Health, Fitness, Training, Muscle Building, Nutrition, Sports, Lifestyle and more!

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Core Strength Training Exercises – Combat Core Strength

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Many people simply do their work out and most of them don’t know what core strength training exercises are. This training workout gives a lot of benefits like strengthening our stomach, core movements help us to develop muscles in the mid-section of our body, including muscle tissue in the upper leg, in the back as well as in the stomach are just some benefits for core training exercises.

Click Here For Combat Core Strength Instant Access Now!

Proper execution of core training exercise helps us to reduce back pain. This is cause by the improper form of training. Core training helps strengthen the abdominal portion of the body, knowing this will lend a hand in avoiding from getting injure and experience too much pain after workout.

Core strength training exercises helps you to give good posture of the body.

This is really vital for all women out there. We know that for women, stand and posture is really important, for this is one of the things that guys get attracted of. The need of proper core exercise is really important not only for women but also for men. For this will assist us to keep away from having abnormal curve of the spine. This will happen through improper execution of exercise or some kinds of desk assignments.

A medicine ball adds more challenge for core training exercise. This medicine ball put more pressure in the core muscle groups. There are lots of exercises that can be done with a medicine ball. Do challenging exercises with a medicine ball to see much better results.

Increasing our endurance and resistance is also the benefit that can be found from core strength training exercises. We don’t notice but in the long run, doing core exercises regularly will help us improve our posture and endurance. Remember that frequent exercise will give you the best possible outcome you want to have.

Click Here For Combat Core Strength Instant Access Now!

This author writes about Combat Core Strength and Lose Belly Fat Tips.

Baseball umpire Workout routines to produce an individual Greater, More robust, more quickly

August 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Usman

Baseball umpire Workout routines to produce an individual Greater, More robust, more quickly – Sports

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Inside the video game regarding baseball umpire, almost all expertise demand tiny muscle tissues relocating huge muscle tissues. This implies you need to work with a durability and also health and fitness system in which not merely grows one to grow to be Greater, More robust, More quickly nonetheless it creates shared strength at the same time. Many education plans overlook both the effectiveness of education the particular huge muscle tissues and only isolates the tiny muscle tissues and also vice saying. A training system which is created about equally muscle tissues will be significantly more advanced than the mediocre ones.

You will need to furthermore make certain you are usually knowledgeable inside the aspects with the lifting. The particular Olympic lifting are usually one of the most potent lifting inside the fat area to be able to education the particular sportsperson to cultivate Greater, More robust, More quickly. These kinds of lifting even though are usually since complex since understood appropriate hurling or perhaps reaching aspects. You need to devote the maximum amount of moment studying these kinds of training aspects when you devote studying the hurling or perhaps reaching aspects. This might suggest you will need a system that is included with any instructor that is knowledgeable adequate to teach these kinds of lifting or even an education video clip that may change the particular instructor. You’ll find some very nice video lessons under combined with baseball umpire education plans.

Baseball umpire Resistance training System

You would like to enjoy on the subsequent stage next you are likely to must boost the power to create strength. Strength will be assessed since equally velocity and also durability. Boosting your body power to create strength, in addition to overall physique aspects, can boost the prospective going to the particular basketball a greater distance, chuck the particular basketball more difficult and also work faster. Scientific studies have got verified in which weighty insert education will be the simplest way to boost the body power to create strength. It is because weighty insert education works more effectively inside redecorating quickly twitch muscle tissue soluble fiber and also creating a lot more generator products. The situation the following is many baseball umpire mentors usually do not rely on this form of education. They will believe this form of education tends to make the particular basketball person limited and also heavy. When you have a training system in which makes use of lower representatives together with weighty insert education next hypertrophy will probably be small. This implies you’ll get a whole lot more robust and also more quickly rather than just greater. Although dimensions continues to be which can boost efficiency?

About the Author

Ump Hub is the leading provider of online umpire training videos for baseball umpires training. The topics of the baseball umpire videos that you will find on UmpHub include interviews with baseball umpires, advanced baseball umpire mechanics, baseball umpiring rules, baseball umpire questions and much more. Visit now

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Ump Hub is the leading provider of online umpire training videos for baseball umpires training. The topics of the baseball umpire videos that you will find on UmpHub include interviews with baseball umpires, advanced baseball umpire mechanics, baseball umpiring rules, baseball umpire questions and much more. Visit now

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A strength workout for a baseball player should focus on the shoulders, rotator cuff and core muscles. Discover the importance of being able to twist effectively with help from a baseball instructor in this free video on baseball strength training. Expert: Jory Jensen Bio: Jory Jensen pitched for Utah Valley University for four years, and is currently an instructor for Rocky Mountain School of Baseball and Hardball, Incorporated. Filmmaker: Michael Burton Series Description: Baseball training involves basic strength and weight workouts, in addition to exercises that help to establish flexibility and agility. Find out how to do drills to become a better baseball player in this free video series on baseball training.
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Build up your strength with Crossfit Houston workout program

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Kravmaga

Build up your strength with Crossfit Houston workout program – Sports – Martial Arts

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A slender and well maintained physique is what makes the eyes turn. A fact is that appearances do matter a lot in the present scenario. Be it in a professional front or in the personal life, a person who is in good shape is always preferred. There are many people who despite their hideous flabs walk around comfortably and are satisfied to be in the shape they are in. Some might resist going to gym and shedding their sweat on the tread mill despite of being highly uncomfortable with their physique.

There are numerous exercise regimes initiated on daily basis to release the people from the unwanted body fat. One such program is Crossfit Houston which is the chief workout program of the armed units, martial arts mentors, law enforcement academies and professional sportspersons all across the world. The main aspect of the program is that irrespective of the age group or gender, the workout regimen remains identical. The main purpose behind this is that the engineers of the workout plan believed that this is not the type of exercise that needs to vary as per the person’s age, and if there is anything that needs to fluctuate is, it is the magnitude and the degree.

An archetypal CrossFit workout program is a blend of strength building components that incorporates something to do with barbell or the dumbbells along with special aerobic exercises that includes hopping onto a box or an object, running and much more. Not just this, the program also incorporates a bit of gymnastic exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and much more. A characteristic that marks a characteristic difference between Crossfit and other exercises is that the person is not allowed to take rest in the middle of the exercises since every aspect is calculated, be it the total workout timing or the recurrences so as to keep a close eye on the enhancements. A common notion among people I that the m ore time they spend for the workout, better will be the upshot which is quite opposite with this sort of exercise regime. The total time included in this exercise schedule is fifteen to twenty minutes, but during the workout you’ll be astounded to find out how absolute you feel after few minutes of the training.

Unlike other training programs, there are certain training gears required during the exercise sessions. Instead of fretting about the same, all you can do is to browse online and book your favorite gears. There is no doubt that these equipments like a barbell, a set of bumper plates, a pull up bar and gymnastic rings will cost you a little extra, but the amount is nothing against the satisfaction attained after the workout sessions.

There is an assortment of training sessions rendered for the trainers to opt for the best one that fits his requirements. Because of the international reach of Crossfit Houston, the training certificates provided to the people are applicable all across the world. Because of the flourishing branches, it becomes all the easier for a person to opt for the center that goes best with his convenience.

About the Author

Houston Krav Maga offers the best self defense and Kettle bell Fitness known as Krav Maga, Houston crossfit and Crossfit Houston Chief Instructor CJ Kirk is certified and licensed through the Krav Maga Association of America.

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Houston Krav Maga offers the best self defense and Kettle bell Fitness known as Krav Maga, Houston crossfit and Crossfit Houston Chief Instructor CJ Kirk is certified and licensed through the Krav Maga Association of America.

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Quick Tips To Help You Start with Strength Training Workouts

August 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

These tips can be used for home strength training or training in the gym. If you wish to start strength training workouts then these tips will help you get started. The most important thing when starting your strength training workouts is warming up. When you warm up it gives the body a chance to deliver plenty of nutrient rich blood to areas about to be exercised, to actually warm the muscles and lubricate the joints. Along the the warm up process you should stretch. Stretching increases and or maintains muscle flexibility. When you warm up and stretch this is a preventive aide from injuring your muscles and frame.

Strating the first week strength training workouts keep it light.

Work on proper technique and proper body mechanics.You should slowly work up to heavier weights and more intense workouts. Quick tips to maintain good body mechanics you should go through the complete range of motion, move slowly and with control. Always remember to breathe, and maintain a neutral spine. Never sacrifice form to add heavier weight or more repetitions.

The intensity of your strength training workout depends on a few factors, including the number of sets and repetitions, the overall weight lifted, and the rest between sets. You can vary the intensity of your workout to fit your activity level and goals.

Always be aware of your body, and listen to your body. Your heart rate is not a good way to determine intensity when doing strength training workouts, it is important to listen to your body based on an overall sense of feeling of exertion. The least amount of strength training recommended by the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) is eight to twelve repetitions of eight to ten exercises, and at a moderate intensity. When you just start out it is recommended two to three days a week. As you get use to the strength training workouts you can workout more days per week, add more sets, and add more resistance.

Strength training workout sessions are recommended to last 1 hour or less. As a rule of thumb, every muscle that you train during your strength training workouts should be rested one to two days before being exercised further in order for the fatigued muscles to rebuild. “No pain, no gain” right? This statement is not only false, but can be dangerous. Your body will adapt to strength training workouts, and will reduce in body soreness each time you workout. If your muscle or joint aches or is very painful be very cautious. The first week or two of strength training workout you will be sore. This is normal, but if the pain is beyond sore and you think you hurt something, take a break, see a doctor, and let the muscle rest.


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Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Hypertrophy: Maximum Strength or Maximum Mass?

August 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Eric Rotherman

Hypertrophy: Maximum Strength or Maximum Mass? – Health – Fitness

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Hypertrophy is the process responsible for muscle growth. This is a process that all strength athletes are very interested in, both bodybuilders and weight trainers in general. However there are two types of hypertrophy and these two growth processes both achieve very different results. To maximize your training you need to understand what the two different types of muscle hypertrophy are.

Myofibrillar hypertrophy is the process which increases the strength of the muscle, but only minimally grows the actual physical size of the muscle. If you are a competitive weight lifter this is the process you are most likely going to to be primarily concerned with. To encourage this sort of hypertrophy you will need to be getting a good intake of proteins, so that the exercise of lifting weights can increase the amount of actin and myosin in your muscles. These are the proteins in your muscle which account for a lot of your physical strength. To encourage growth further limit the repetitions you do in each exercise to between 2-6 reps per set. This means that you can work with heavier weights and really concentrate on lifting heavy, instead of using up your energy on lighter weights.

If you are a bodybuilder on the other hand you want your muscles to increase in size and strength is a secondary consideration. The type of hypertrophy you are looking for is called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and has little or no affect on the actual strength of the muscle. In actual fact you are going to get both types of hypertrophy from your workouts. But in order to concentrate your efforts on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, so that you can increase muscle mass, you will need to perform around 8 – 12 repetitions per set. Try not to go to heavy as this will cause your muscles to tighten and produces hard rather than growing muscles. Also if you do more than 12 reps per set you will find yourself producing strong and hard muscles, but they won’t be getting the size you want. This is because high reps tend to produce muscles aimed at endurance sport rather than sculptural body bulking.

Another important point is that muscles need rest. In fact muscles do their actual growing when they at rest. So make sure you allow plenty of time between workouts to rest. Each muscle group should have about 48 hours rest time between dedicated workouts. Hence the need to cycle your workouts around so you hit different muscle groups in different workouts. Happy muscle growing!

About the Author

Eric Rotherman

Check out my web pages on how to maximize muscle development and sorting your Muscle Building Diet for more information.

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Eric Rotherman

Check out my web pages on how to maximize muscle development and sorting your Muscle Building Diet for more information.

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