Quick Tips on Training For a Marathon

September 30, 2012 by  
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Article by Muhammad Azeem Ashraf

Quick Tips on Training For a Marathon – Sports

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The thought of training for a marathon can be as exciting as the real marathon. But the training that accompanies before you set the goal for the marathon requires slow adoption to the strenuous competition. The marathon itself can be brutal. If you haven’t run a mile in your whole life, then it may take too much time for the training. The long 42 kilometer run can make average men puke. Without proper training, you are at great risk for dehydration, injury and ending up in the hospital bed. To achieve that marathon endurance, keep the following in mind in training for a marathon.Set your training ahead of the game. Depending on your schedule, the training usually lasts for a minimum of six to seven months.The long months that you’ll be spending to build the strength and endurance as a marathoner will depend on how you approach your marathon training for a marathon program. If you run right away at a distance of 42 kilometers right away then you’re putting yourself at great risk of injury. It is essential for you to gradually increase the intensity of your training.First, run for a short distance, for example 20 kms and then eventually add distances to your baseline running distance. As you train, the distance that you’ll be covering will be closer to the marathon distance. Training for a marathon will also yield positive results better if you increase your training distance to a maximum of 45 kms. As you get closer to the date of the competition taper the running distance for two to three weeks prior to the race. This can be done by gradually reducing the distance that you are covering. For example you covered a maximum of 45 kms, then three weeks before the race, cover for only 30 kms and then 25 kms and so on. This technique is done to prevent over training prior to the race.Training for marathon requires that you follow these simple tips:1. Drink enough fluids after you exercise and refuel by eating foods rich in protein and carbohydrates.2. Maintain proper from and move your hands accordingly to achieve your rhythm.3. As the day of the marathon comes nearer, prepare to use the shorts, the clothes and the shoes that you used in training.4. Hours before the marathon, keep yourself hydrated by drinking the same sports drink you used wile training for a marathon to prevent stomach upset.Lastly, be sure to remain positive and energized mentally. One can never undermine the power of positive thinking, particularly when it comes to achieving such tremendous physical challenges.

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marathontrainingschedule.net is best for website called Marathon Experts. For more information about training for a marathon and to learn how you can successfully complete your first marathon visit http://www.marathontrainingschedule.net/

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Muhammad Azeem Ashraf

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marathontrainingschedule.net is best for website called Marathon Experts. For more information about training for a marathon and to learn how you can successfully complete your first marathon visit http://www.marathontrainingschedule.net/

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The Best Exercises and Sports to Increase Endurance.

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Marina Robinson

The Best Exercises and Sports to Increase Endurance. – Health – Weight Loss

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Resistance means the ability to sustain an effort psychophysical without compromising performance. Mentally is the ability to sustain the effort as long as possible and physically is the ability of the organism to adapt and delay the onset of fatigue. For athletes is essential to have good endurance, a greater or lesser extent, is what is always looking, as this depends on the proper response of the body in the sport working hours. The main goals of resistance training are to achieve an increase in the amount of blood reaching the muscles that do the main work and improve energy systems. The resistance has a strong bond with the circulatory and respiratory systems, and the metabolism, particularly cell phones.

There are two types of resistance: the aerobic and anaerobic. The first seeks to realize low-stress exercises but long life. This type of resistance depends on the ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles to produce energy efficiently. Its development involves improving the overall physical resistance and decreased blood pressure, the amount of fat in the body and the possibility of occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

Anaerobic endurance turn develops exercises that involve a high effort but for a short space of time. With the development of anaerobic resistance is achieved by improving the reaction rate. To put the aerobic training is important to include activities that can raise heart rate above a point and maintain that level of activity over 15 minutes session.

One of the best ways to train aerobic endurance is to practice running, which should be conducted at a slow pace, while paying more attention to the distance traveled. Similarly, although this is not the main objective, to get continuous training run more miles in the same time. swimming or cycling exercises are also considered optimal for the development of resistance.

The rhythms, as in the case of the running, will go rising gradually as the body adapts to the effort required. The dance is also recommended to increase endurance.

For the correct development of aerobic endurance, it should establish a training plan, which must be customized, always taking into account the physical characteristics and condition of each. Proper aerobic work developed for about 20 or 30 minutes a day is more than enough to make adequate progress and ensure proper endurance sports.

For the practice of these exercises and achieve win an optimal resistance level is very important to note not have to exercise and sudden breathing correctly is very important because in this way keeps the body relaxed, which is necessary because if the body tension note there will be no proper blood circulation and oxygen will not correct (the which means more fatigue in less time).

Nor should we forget that it is very important that the end will make a good session of stretching, to avoid further complications.

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we review the best fat burners like slim weight patch review or unique hoodia,capsiplex etc.

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we review the best fat burners like slim weight patch review or unique hoodia,capsiplex etc.

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Effective Tips on How to Lose Weight for a Wedding

September 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Rick Trooper

Effective Tips on How to Lose Weight for a Wedding – Health – Weight Loss

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It is a day that you’ve been dreaming of since you were a child and now that the moment is finally within grasp. You want to make sure that everything goes perfectly.

And if you’re like most brides-to-be, you want to look your absolute best on your wedding day!

So, apart from wedding plans, souvenirs, and invitations, weight loss is one aspect that you’re already trying to figure out. Here are some important tips to consider in meeting your weight loss goals before your wedding:

Set a Realistic, Time Bounded, and Achievable Goal

Above all else, you need to be realistic with your weight loss goals. You need to plan according to what you can do and how much time you have available. You can’t expect to lose 50 pounds if the wedding is a few weeks away.A good starting point in your planning is to be specific and find out how much you want to lose taking into account your schedule. This way, you’ll know what to expect and will avoid the frustrations that come with not being able to achieve goals.

If time is not on your side and the wedding is near, plan the remaining days carefully and avoid crash diets or starvation methods which will only make things worse. Instead, focus on the following making changes to how you eat and how you exercise.

Make Healthy Changes in Your Diet

This is an essential part of your weight loss strategy. Controlling what you consume will have a huge effect on your results. You need to consume the amounts calories so that you don’t over or uneat.

Eat small frequent meals throughout the day which will help to control your hunger and increase your metabolism. Also, don’t skip breakfast as it is the meal that tells your body how fast to burn calories for the day. The fewer calories you eat for breakfast, the slower your metabolism will be that day.

It is also a good idea to increase your protein and fiber intake to help with fat and toxin elimination. Try to avoid salty foods because this causes water retention that can leave you looking bloated. Take the Time to Exercise

If you are short on time in reaching your weight loss goals, you need to incorporate intense resistance training into your exercise routine.

Many women are afraid that they will “bulk up” if they lift too much weight. The reality is that bulking up is not easy and is not likely unless that is your focus. Instead, your body will become more lean and toned.

Also, resistance training burns more calories than aerobic exercise and has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism. Training with kettlebells is a great way to burn a ton of calories, get toned, and have a full body workout in a short period of time.

Keeping yourself motivated and sticking to your plan will give you fantastic results which will impress your family and friends on your wedding day.

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Click here now if you Want to discover the hidden secret to teaching your body to reject fat and increase your metabolism so you can lose weight in time for the wedding!

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Click here now if you Want to discover the hidden secret to teaching your body to reject fat and increase your metabolism so you can lose weight in time for the wedding!

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Which Reasons Cause Different Achievements about Anaerobic Endurance

September 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Uggmbt

Which Reasons Cause Different Achievements about Anaerobic Endurance – Shopping – Fashion Style

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Anaerobic endurance. The ability of supplying energy from anaerobic glycols of sugar of skeletal muscle.The main energy of anaerobic endurance is from anaerobic glycols of muscle glycogen. There will some impacts for the latter with percentage constitution of muscle fiber as well as catalytic activity of glycol enzyme.Here are athletes to work on different supersession sport events training in the study. The muscle fiber percentage structure along with activity of glycol enzyme have the distinct project characters. It is said that the development of anaerobic endurance had decided by these two factors in the above, which is so important.There are some comparisons for muscle fiber constitution and activity of anaerobic metabolic enzymes among sport men of different competition events.It us energy utilization efficiency.The energy utilization efficiency refers to the capacity of acting of organism under the conditions of unit oxygen consumption.There is too much diversity about achievements for most of endurance events payers in a research. In addition, the sixty-five percentage of their achievements are caused by energy utilization efficiency.There is one research form the study of Steele. We are able to look at two marathon sports men who are in the same relative quantity for maximal oxygen uptake. They are both making use of eighty-five percentages VO max when they are running marathon at the same time. What is more; the energy utilization efficiency for one player is relatively high. As a result that he runs faster than the other player, which is faster about thirteen minutes.It is able to offer surge capability to acidic compounds.The muscle glycol is able to produce a great deal of H+. There will be a large number of accumulations about H+ in cells. It is also able to spread into blood. So that the acidic compounds will increase in the muscle and blood. It will interfere with the physicochemical property in the body and cells.The body muscle and blood both exist the buffer materials which could balance out the acidic substances. They are consisting of weak acid along with salt which is produced by weak acidic and alkali to make certain proportion mixed liquors. They are these materials which are able to buffer acidic and alkali. It also has the function to keep relatively constant for PH.The research is showing, as long as you are often going on anaerobic endurance training, you will be able to improve the ability of acid of organism. So that we are able to enhance anaerobic endurance.

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To get information more about how to make healthier running feeling? Good running also need a pair of good Running Shoes, Nike Free Run 2 is a good choice, or Nike Free Run.

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To get information more about how to make healthier running feeling? Good running also need a pair of good Running Shoes, Nike Free Run 2 is a good choice, or Nike Free Run.

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How To Lift Weights For Maximum Fat Loss & Minimal Size

September 10, 2012 by  
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Article by Katie Faulkner

How To Lift Weights For Maximum Fat Loss & Minimal Size – Health – Weight Loss

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If you’re a woman looking to lose pounds by weight lifting, then you’re not after size that most men are trying to build. Instead, you want all the fat burning effects that you get from weight lifting, but not the body builder look. Here’s how to lift weights to be sure you look trim and strong.

First of all, you only want to do exercises that have you moving more than one joint during the lift. This means that bicep curls and leg extensions are out, they just don’t do enough to get the job done.

Focus on bigger movements that involve two or more joints and you’ll get much better results and your workouts will be shorter as well. These are exercises like bench presses, squats, dead lifts, rows, and power cleans. Get a list going of all your favorite multi-joint exercises then put 4 or 5 together that will work your whole body. This will be your workout.

Now that you know which exercises you’re going to do, perform them in a circuit doing no more than 10 reps per exercise (if it’s too easy lift more weight). Do one exercise after another until you’ve completed all of them. Be sure to lift hard and don’t take breaks.

Repeat your circuit 3-4 times depending on how much time you’ve alotted to workout. By doing a weight lifting circuit like this, you’ll work all the muscles in your body and increase your metabolism by as much as possible. And unlike devoting a whole day to your biceps, it won’t make your muscles huge like a body builder.

Your next step is to click here now to learn the real way to lose weight for good, no more yo-yo dieting! Making small changes in your lifestyle is the only sure way to get healthy and stay slim for life.

I’ll show you how in my free healthy weight loss secrets course.

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Katie Faulkner enjoys teaching others how to lose weight easily without starving and taking expensive pills.

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Katie Faulkner enjoys teaching others how to lose weight easily without starving and taking expensive pills.

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Click Here: askdarin.com Submit your questions so I can answer them live every week… on my live webinars! Click here http To Lose Fat and Gain Muscle With Darin Any Where In The World by using his On-line Program. CLICK HERE: www.FatlossLifestyle.com and give me your first name and e-mail address To Get the Free “Exercise Log Sheets” I have created a turnkey work out system that will help anyone and everyone figure out which exercises to do on what days. It is called “Simple Fitness Exercises Made Easy”! It has taken me 20 years to crystalize this routine and now you can master it for free in 1 week. Having access to all of my exercise videos on u-tube is not enough to get you in great shape. You have to have the right routine (which body parts you work on which days). With the “Exercise Log Sheets” that I will immediately send you after you sign up you will know how to precisely create the best work out split that will get you to your goals. Even if you have signed up for my newsletter in the past go do it again at: www.FatlossLifestyle.com because I just created the new give away; my Exercise Log Sheets. Your Healthy Lifestyle Coach, darin steen
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The Interval Training Is Good at Endurance Training

August 26, 2012 by  
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Article by Uggmbt

The Interval Training Is Good at Endurance Training – Shopping – Clothing

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There will be the same results with the methods of uniform training for this type of training way.

However, if we want to get this result, we ought to make strength of training within the scope of aerobic metabolism.

It is able to do like this when we are making the best use of this kind of methods. There will some effects when we make practice strength out of anaerobic metabolism. Therefore; it will make good differences in developing the aerobic endurance courses.

The interval training method is in the next.The interval training way refers to two times practice should arrange for suitable break. It is going to show that under the conditions for body to have no fully recovery while it starts to the next time training.

Because the interval training methods have some strict rules.In addition, there are practice strength, numbers of replications, training groups as well as the times and methods of the intervalrest for intervaltraining methods. In addition, the functions of body is always in the high level of activity.

For this reason this kind of training will have great effects on oxygen transportation system activities for body as well as the process of energy metabolism. In addition; it is the usual or common way to develop the qualities of endurance.

You are going to pay more attention to the endurance training, which is within the scope of aerobic supersession.

The aerobic endurance training could have good developments with this method, too. In addition, what if it is out of the scope of aerobic metabolism, it could put them into use for assisting the anaerobic endurance.

We are able to make an example as the development for anaerobic endurance. The time of taking exercises is general about 0.5 minutes and 4 minutes. The intensity of practicing is similar with the ones of matches.

The time of breaks of making exercises is short.It is able to sure that we are able to take training again and again without better recovery for body.

The nervous muscle system is able to go on working for a long time under the conditions of high lactic acid concentration in the course of finishing this kind of intervaltraining.

It needs the short time for the intervalbreaks between twice training.It is able to sure that we are able to take training again and again without better recovery for body.

The nervous muscle system is able to go on working for a long time under the conditions of high lactic acid concentration in the course of finishing this kind of intervaltraining.

In this way, it is also able to assist the developments of the ability of tolerating acidic materials as well as defeating tiredness.

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Checkout the physical to manage Nike Free Run 2 dependant on modified encounter. Also, study methods to select the very best Nike Free Run.

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Checkout the physical to manage Nike Free Run 2 dependant on modified encounter. Also, study methods to select the very best Nike Free Run.

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Plyometric Training Workouts: How You Can Leap Higher to Dunk

August 23, 2012 by  
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Article by Jacob Blackhite

Plyometric Training Workouts: How You Can Leap Higher to Dunk – Other

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In hopes of improving my abilities, I recently added plyometrics to my daily routine. Many years ago, I tried several kinds of exercises in an attempt to improve my vertical leaping abilities. Plyometrics training not only helped increase my vertical leap but also provided a great strength training routine for my legs. In my experience, the most useful plyometric exercises are those which are used as part of a regimen meant to improve jumping ability for the purposes of dunking.

My vertical leap was an obsession in high school. As it did with pushups, my competitive spirit always came out when we tested how high we could jump in gym class. When I was a Junior in high school, I came in second at 34 inches. The person above me jumped 36″ and went on to be a starter for the UConn basketball team. It seemed like a good idea to use plyometrics to improve my skills at vertical jumps. My first effort was Air Alert II. The bottom line is that it taught me some rather bad habits.

Air Alert II was one of those big hype programs that guaranteed you would add 10″ to your vertical leap. It all sounds good as a teenager, but essentially it was a waste of $ 10 for a thin packet of paper. Burnouts, calf raises, squat jumps, leap ups and step ups, were the five exercises the program offered. But, it was the intense schedule of workouts that represented the problem with the program, not the exercises themselves.

The biggest flaw of Air Alert II (and many other jump higher programs) was that it involved 5 straight days of plyometrics training. The extreme nature of the exercises, three to four sets of fifty to one hundred reps each was awful. It’s great for building leg endurance but really just leads to over training. Also, what lends credence to the concept that completing 100 repetitions of a given exercise will indeed improve vertical leaping abilities?

Upward explosion is the key to vertical leaps. The most effective method for increasing upward explosiveness is something other than training with multiple repetitions. It’s similar to bench pressing. Multiple sets of one to three reps really works and heavy weights build the muscle right. If you applied the principles of the above program, it would be like trying to increase your bench press by doing 100 reps with just the barbell. Perhaps you would gain endurance, but it is highly unlikely that you would build noticeable strength. Bench pressing five days in a row would be a terrible idea, too, and not work well.

Low rep plyometrics is the best method of increasing vertical leaping ability as well as building leg strength. The type of plyometric exercise somewhat dictates how many reps are best. Explosive power comes from using the reps to match the exercise. Some require ten to fifteen while others only need five. No matter what exercise is at issue, it is always important to give your all. Push yourself by not doing simple things, but making them harder.

Everyone has a different definition of plyometrics, but the best definition I’ve found is that plyometrics training includes exercises designed to produce fast, powerful movements. This type of exercise is highly effective for increasing quickness and startling power. Also, forty yard dash times improve when taking vertical jump programs. Contrary to common belief, calf muscles aren’t the driving factor in vertical leaps. Attempt to jump by not bending at the knee, and afterward, jump normally. You should notice that you get a lot higher when you bend your knees because you are utilizing the strength of your quads and hamstrings. Calves can assist somewhat, but in order to really gain forceful jumping ability, it is best to concentrate on the larger leg muscles.

The following is the plyometrics regimen I am using at present. This is built upon pieces from several different regimens. The program is to complete each exercise movement and then take a thirty second rest prior to beginning the next movement. Ideally I would do multiple sets and take longer rest periods for each exercise, just like a strength training routine, but I prefer the circuit fashion to save time. In putting together the following, I varied the exercises based on the muscles worked and the intensity of each exercise.

Since I’m not exclusively trying to increase my vertical leap, I merely incorporate plyometrics as a cardio alternative and for some added leg strength. Although I don’t use them, plyometric training can include particular vertical leap improving exercises.

Let’s face it, dunking is one of the most impressive things someone can do, especially for someone under 6′. There’s something about leaping into the air and throwing a basketball through the rim 10′ above the ground. While the plyometric exercises I listed above can help increase your vertical, if you really want to learn about dunk training, you need to check out The Jump Manual.

This represents a more targeted regimen that can radically improve your vertical leaping skills. In several months, when I am in need of a new routine, I plan to use the full version of this program. I’m still skeptical about a product that guarantees you will increase your vertical, but I think the foundation is there to provide a great workout to strengthen your legs, regardless.

The cardio benefits of plyometric exercises are impressive, even for those who aren’t interested in explosive power or vertical leaping. Because you put in an intense effort, you burn off glycogen which helps lead to fat loss. Plyometrics is a lot more enjoyable to me than exercise bikes or the elliptical. Also appealing is the fact that plyometrics training gives me increased leg strength, but does not result in bulky or unsightly muscles. So, whether you’d like to learn how to jump higher to dunk or simply want to improve your appearance with a cardio alternative, plyometric training exercises can provide you with a great workout.

About the Author

When you’d like to find out more about the best workout routine, come pay a visit to my web page where I offer exercise and diet strategies to help you to shed unwanted weight and obtain a toned appearance. Start getting in awesome shape today!

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When you’d like to find out more about the best workout routine, come pay a visit to my web page where I offer exercise and diet strategies to help you to shed unwanted weight and obtain a toned appearance. Start getting in awesome shape today!

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Some Special Tips For Endurance Training

August 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Are you an aspiring athlete? There are lots of people who want to become great athletes and run and reach the finishing line. If you want to run a marathon then you need to make sure you take up proper training sessions.

While practicing for any endurance event you need to make sure you include different kinds of endurance training in your session. Some people think that they can only practice running for a marathon but this is not right. Strength training workouts are usually of different types, they include aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

One of the best features of this kind of workout is that you do not need any help from machines. These are usually free hand exercises which can be easily done at home. You need to create good home workout routines and start your training session at home.

You usually do not require a trainer for these exercises. There are people who have a conception that the more they run the more they will win races. Strength training workouts are usually essential to remove the extra body fat that is present in your body.

If you follow some of the strength and conditioning tips then you can surely prepare your muscles as well as your body for the endurance events. First of all you need to remember that each and every person has different body and body set up.

This is the reason why different people are affected differently with these kinds of training. So when you begin your training try to consult an expert trainer who can make the training plans for you. You need to learn about the kind of exercises suitable for you.

The duration which is required for each of the exercises and the amount of rest that is required by your body is also important. You must always remember that the endurance training will have an effect on your overall health so do not take drastic decisions.

Once the expert trainer makes that plan for you, you can start practicing the strength and conditioning workouts at home. Other than these workouts you also need to take care of your diet.

If you are an athlete then you must have a diet which is rich in carbohydrate but has moderate protein content and low fat. You must also make sure that enough fluids are taken otherwise you might face the problem of dehydration.

But it is always better to avoid any kind of sweet beverages. Endurance training is all about adding strength to your muscles. Protein is one of the elements which are required for muscle growth as well as repair. Speed training drills are one of the workouts which can have a good effect on your body.

When you want to learn about endurance training or strenth training workouts, you should learn from the master. Visit out site to know more.

Graeme Street, owner for cyclo-core.com offers some simple tips about training for ultra endurance mountain bike and endurance road cycling events. Grab the CYCLO90 In-Season System at http

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Cycling Weight Training For The Winter

August 16, 2012 by  
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Article by Jake Austin

Cycling Weight Training For The Winter – Sports – Other Sports

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As we all know, cycling mainly utilizes the muscles of the lower body. While this is beneficial, the problem is that the upper body gets left out. Whether you are training for a sport or for fitness, having a nice balance of strength throughout the body is important. This is particularly true for those who do mountain biking, as having good upper body strength is necessary because they lift and jump heavier bikes in rough terrain.

Cycling weight training therefore should be a part of any cyclist’s program. The questions you have to ask are what type of training should you do, and when? A logical approach would be to build strength during the off-season while you aren’t actively riding, and then switch to training that is more similar to what you will endure during the peak riding season. Athletes must always be careful not to do too much training particularly during riding season, as doing so can put a lot of strain on the body.

Building strength by lifting heavier weight with a lower amount of repetitions should only be done in the off-season. Combining cycling with heavy weight training is too much for the body to handle, and will ultimately hinder performance. Whenever you lift heavy, the body is going to need time for it to recover.

Diet is critical component to getting the most out of your cycling weight training. Muscles need fuel, particularly when they are active. They need to get the necessary nutrients so they can repair themselves and get stronger. This means consuming a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals on a daily basis. As mentioned, muscles also need a proper amount of rest and recovery so you can continue training at a high level over the long-term.

That’s why doing heavier weight training in the winter is ideal, because you have the time available for the muscles to recover. If you lifted heavy during peak season, too much stress would be placed on your muscles, and ultimately you would be doing more harm than good.

When putting together a cycling weight training program, evaluate where you currently are with your fitness and how far you believe you can push your body. It’s also important to find ways to motivate yourself during the secondary season, as doing so will allow you to get the most out of it.

While only a small percentage of maximum strength is used with each pedal stroke, weight training is beneficial because it builds bone density. This is key for cyclists because experts are finding that cycling leads to a loss of density because it’s not a weight bearing activity.

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Building Aerobic Endurance Through a Good Diet – For Triathletes and Triathlons

August 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Paul Scott

Building Aerobic Endurance Through a Good Diet – For Triathletes and Triathlons – Sports – Other Sports

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To become an endurance athlete you have to provide high- quality raw materials in your diet and the right training to allow the body to best adapt. Both good health and good fitness come from feeding and exercising the body in the right proportions.

Eat fat, burn fat

To maintain optimal fitness, your diet should contain quality sources of fat, amounting to one-quarter or one-third of calories consumed. However, as fat has over twice the energy per gram compared to carbohydrate or protein, you do not need large amounts. A triathlete consuming 3,000 calories in a day needs just 70-90 grams of fat to be in the optimal zone. Research has shown that athletes who cut fat their intake to very low levels actually reduce their fitness and endurance.

High-carb diets

The high-carbohydrate diet, often recommended for athletes and usually recommending that more than 70 per cent of calories should come from carb-rich foods, is actually too high. This leaves little room for fats and protein (only 30 per cent) and restricts food choice. More than 50 per cent is a better target, so you can enjoy carb-rich meals but include good fat and protein sources. Too many carbohydrates in the diet may actually switch the muscles into using carbohydrates instead of fat and cause the body to store fat. Ironically, slightly more fat than was often thought ideal in the diet allows you to be leaner, use fat better as a fuel and eat a more varied diet.

Stress and eating

Aerobic training at a comfortable pace leads to a more controlled appetite and improved ability to cope with stress. This translates into more control of your diet. You binge less, time your foods to suit your activity better and teach your body to use fat as a fuel. Muscles always have to use a small amount of carbohydrate, even at low training speeds.

Losing body fat

To make your body lose fat, you need to create a deficit of calories, i.e. less in and more out. If you exercise an additional 300 calories a day, drop your food intake 200 calories and train correctly you can lose over a pound of weight (450 grams) per week. You are not starving yourself: your body taps into stored fats to cover the deficit and you’ve made only minor activity and diet alterations. Do this and months later you’ll be leaner, fitter and healthier.

Did you know?

Less than 25-50 grams of fat is likely to be used in 90 minutes of training if you pace correctly and have a good fitness level. You may use over half your muscle glycogen stores in the same session if the pace is fast or the terrain is hilly. So you always need carbohydrates, even at modest training speeds – whilst fat stores come down very slowly

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Paul Scott

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